Ken Rockwell. Ken Rockwell. Ken Rockwell. You have to know of him already; he's on every page of Google! (and I have to add, his name is awesome! It rings celebrity all over it... adult film perhaps?) But if you went to you won't arrive at some photographer's portfolio trying to sell you on his awesome photography. No, this guy sells his work with words. He primarily uses his site to post camera equipment reviews and does an AWESOME job of doing it objectively. What I love about him the most is that anyone, EVERY type of photographer, can relate to his recomendations. He goes beyond the "yes" or "no", 'two thumbs up' suggestion; he takes the advantages of that piece of equipment and matches it up to who it would be ideal for- That's what matters the most!
Next week: Nikon vs Canon - I know, that's like talking about universal health care to republicans, stem cells to republicans, or anything related to sex to republicans... hm, I'm predicting flames in my near future.... so not feeling PC today.
The other "Jessica Elizabeth"